Friday, March 30, 2007

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its Way!

Well, Easter is almost here, so I had to buy Georgia this hat! She wears it everywhere right now, much to her father's dimay. She seems to be losing all of her hair though. I think we may have a bald baby afterall.

We had some nice weather, so Olivia spent some time outside watering my plants. The modeling agency just called us again today and want some updated stat sheets for her, but boy, I don't know if they would like her spunky attitude right now!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Making Cakes and Jumpin!

Olivia spent the afternoon on St. Paddy's day making a huge chocolate cake with her dad. She was a mess! Gigi has been trying out her johnny jump up. She's got the swinging down, but not the jumping! All the fun tends to wear them out. This is the most angelic we ever get to see Olivia these days. Most the time she is a holy terror. Hard to believe huh?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shaking tini's and good friends!

Olivia helped her mom shake tini's while Rylee held Miss Georgia! Actually, these were two seperate days, but it makes a good headline! Georgia is now two months old, I can't believe how time flies.

Rylee and Parker came to vistit us this past weekend. Boy how they have grown! We love seeing them.