Friday, April 04, 2008

Climbing up on the table to make mom crazy!

Gigi's new little test is to repeatedly climb up onto our kitchen table to see how I react. I try to be consistant in taking her down, but she is starting to show quite a bit of will power! Olivia likes it when she gets in trouble, so she is very quick to tell on Georgia. That keeps me on my toes even more.

We are nearing the end of the school year for Olivia. I don't think she will be very happy when she has a break from school for the summer. The week of spring break she was so bored she kept telling me that she hated spring break. I guess I should have taken that opportunity to get out and do more with them, but the weather here was miserable, so were we.

Easter Egg Hunt at the Gustaveson's

For Easter this year, our family went out to Kathryn Gustaveson's for the huge family Easter egg hunt! What fun that was for all of the 15 kids that were out there! There were eggs everywhere, and everyone found more than a basket full.


Just a few pics to update! Sorry it has been so long, Gigi desires more attention these days, so I don't have a lot of free time left. It is currently 7:30a.m. and she is still sleeping! These pictures were taken around Easter.